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來源:http://www.hc188.cn/   發布時間:2023-05-31


For the sake of life, I am all moving bricks. Moving bricks here is not about programmers coding words in the office, or white-collar workers making PPTs on the workstation. It's about moving bricks on construction sites, especially when it comes to the construction of urban civilization. It's also a brief introduction that cannot be ignored. Our Hongying Guardrail Professional provides construction site fences and various guardrail nets, I have also compiled a list of precautions for construction site enclosure.
In some large construction sites, many people may establish construction site fences through various methods, as various types of construction waste may be generated during the construction process. If such fences are not built, it is very likely to cause garbage, affect the appearance of the city, and there may also be criminals entering the construction site to steal various types of steel. Therefore, in this case, The construction of the construction site enclosure must be carried out, so what issues should be paid attention to during construction?
1、 Try to keep it straight as much as possible
When building a construction site fence, many people may consider various aspects of the construction or other factors. When building a construction site fence, a curved form is generally used, but this form is extremely unfavorable for construction because its shape is curved, which requires more time and manpower investment during construction, Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the ratio as much as possible and achieve higher aesthetics, so this must be noted!
2、 To control the height well
For many construction site fence personnel during construction, many may not have paid attention to the issue of height because they believe that as long as the height of their construction site fence is the same as that of a regular fence, it is enough. However, in fact, the height required for construction varies from place to place. If such fences are built in densely populated urban areas, it is necessary to increase the height, Only in this way can the construction site be better isolated, but no matter where it is, it is necessary to ensure that the height of the construction site enclosure exceeds 1.2 meters, which is a low standard in the industry!
3、 Try not to affect traffic as much as possible
Many urban roads have been built for many years now, resulting in various situations of damage. In this case, it is necessary to repair the damaged roads. During construction, in order to avoid some drivers from entering the construction site without knowing that the construction is underway, it is necessary to maintain the construction site through site fencing, It will definitely have a certain impact on traffic, so when building this kind of fence, do not build it on both sides of the same road at once, but on one side to ensure the passage of the road!
These are some issues that must be paid attention to when building construction site fences. Of course, in addition to these, you must also consider the cost issue, because for different materials, the cost required to build fences is completely different. In addition to these aspects, you also need to consider the construction method and plan, and comprehensively consider all aspects to achieve better results!

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